The power of synergy - International Symposium



petek, 23. marec 2018, .00

Krka d.d., Novo mesto
The power of synergy - International Symposium

Under the auspices of the Slovenian Society of Cardiology, the international symposium The Power of Synergy was held in Novo mesto on Friday, 23 March. Around 100 top cardiologists from 16 European countries discussed the challenges and opportunities for concomitant treatment of high cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The symposium was organised as interactive lectures and workshops, focusing on patient cases from clinical practice, both in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

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The power of synergy - International Symposium
The power of synergy - International Symposium
The power of synergy - International Symposium
The power of synergy - International Symposium
The power of synergy - International Symposium
The power of synergy - International Symposium